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Wellness Medical

An overall health review for anyone in the NGO sector who wants to stay well on their travels


Regular travel for work, especially to difficult contexts, can put you at greater risk of ill health. Weather. Food. Altitude. Long working hours. Stress. Lack of sleep. All these things and more can combine to place health pressures on people who have an important job to do.

If these pressures are ignored, neglected or managed poorly, ill health may well follow. And it’s hard to do your job if you are not well yourself. But as we all know, prevention is better than cure. And that’s the basis of this service, in which an experienced doctor with specific experience of travel health will conduct a thorough, unhurried review of their health and wellbeing, with plenty of opportunity for questions and conversation. The aim: to help them not just stay well, but thrive as they work and travel.


1️⃣ The individual fills in an online form about their medical and travel history

2️⃣ They talk through the form with a doctor, who will also complete a physical examination, blood and urine tests

3️⃣ The doctor and individual can discuss their health and wellbeing in the context of work and any travel involved

4️⃣ Afterwards, the individual will be sent a summary medical report and test results

5️⃣ If requested by the employer, a certificate will be sent to confirm the individual is fit to travel, and may list some recommendations to be taken into consideration

For regular travellers, we recommend this service once every two years. An employer will not receive details of a person’s medical history without that person’s consent. 


📍 Venue: online or in-person

Duration: up to one hour

👥 Suitable for: anyone who’d like a general health check, especially if they travel frequently

🚫 Not suitable for: people with a specific health concern, who can book a Telemedicine or Face-To-Face Consultation

💬 We say: “We aim for these to be a positive, informative and reassuring experience for you tailored to your individual needs and situation.”


 📖 Working in high stress environments



“Thank you for making our medical such a positive experience.”Past Client

It was really good to meet you. Thank you for your care and interest in us and for your help and advice with our health. Your advice has given us a clear path to follow. We know that we can come back to you in the future with any questions and that truly is a great help and encouragement”. Past Client

“You have a very reassuring manner, great for a doctor! I greatly appreciate the ideas that you planted. All in all, it was a very high-value consultation – thank you!” Past Client


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