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Resilience Check-In

Space for an individual or group to pause, reflect and plot a path through a difficult time, guided by a facilitator.


Every workplace goes through times of change, stress, and uncertainty. Sometimes, the storm soon passes. At others, without action it will erode the health and wellbeing of a leader, a team or a whole organisation.

But by taking a step back, you can see a challenge in a new way. And if you do this in the company of a neutral, experienced facilitator, you can find the skills and confidence to navigate the current storm, and future storms too.

A Resilience Check-In is a safe space with a Thrive Coach or Counsellor for an individual or group to discuss challenges, think through priorities, plot next steps, and grow.

We will tailor this session to your specific needs. For individuals, we will go deeper into the specific issues you hope to navigate. For groups, we will make the session interactive to ensure each member of a team can participate in this process of building resilience.


⏰ Duration: 60 minutes for individuals; 90 minutes for teams

📍 Location: online or in person

👥 Suitable for: individuals or teams who are experiencing stress or navigating change

💬 We say: “It’s a precious thing – to hold a space like this where there is no judgment, no expectation, and people can just listen, talk, and process.”


📖 Reflections On The Nature Of Resilience

📖 Ways To Create A More Resilient Workforce In Times Of Change



“We knew it was important to support our staff well through the pandemic, and Thrive’s psychosocial support came highly recommended. Through the Resilience Check-Ins they ran with our team, we were able to stop and reflect on our feelings. We learned valuable resilience skills. And we gained confidence to navigate through these uncertain times.”  — Beatrice, ICS Africa

“I appreciated your knowledge of the work we do, the sector we are in, and her constructive approach. It was so valuable.” – Anonymous

“These check-ins have been like a breath of fresh air. By taking time as a team to stop, connect and reflect, I’ve seen more openness and compassion in our organisation. It’s reduced isolation, people feel more invested in, and they are more eager to talk with each other. We’ve achieved more in one session than we could have in two months of surveying staff. It makes my job a lot easier!”Grace, Head of People & Culture, The Web Foundation

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