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Trauma Informed Management

📅 Wed 29 – Friday 31 May 9 am-4:30 pm EAT

📍Location: Addis Ababa (Venue TBC)

Conflict. Inflation. Drought. Political instability. All of these are impacting the wellbeing of communities across Ethiopia. 

Many people prove to be resilient when times are hard. They draw on knowledge, skills and relationships, to find hope and strength, and to thrive in even the hardest of circumstances. Others, however, may develop stress disorders, anxiety, depression, or even psychosis. This can make it hard, or even impossible, for them to do their job and to live full lives. 

For managers in purpose-led organisations like yours, it is crucial to be able to understand trauma, its impact on people at work, and how you can support your team. It is crucial for their health, your health, and the health of your organisation. Over three days, this course will introduce you to our evidence-based model for trauma-informed management and effective response model.

Day 1 – Realise: you will learn the fundamentals of trauma; develop your own self-awareness and resilience skills when responding to trauma; and learn the essential skills of trauma-informed leadership. 

Day 2 – Recognise: you will explore the impact of trauma on staff, teams, families, and organisations; learn to recognise when additional support is needed; and explore ‘post-traumatic growth’.  

Day 3 – Respond: you will develop the skills to support your staff, as well as design procedures and practices that are essential to have in place should a traumatic event occur.  


By the end of the training program, you will:

✅ Understand trauma’s impact on the ​​wellbeing, engagement, and behaviour of individuals, and the impact this can have in an organisation

✅ Develop trauma management responses to support your staff

✅ Learn practices to reduce the negative effects of trauma in a team and to build their resilience

✅ Explore the importance of self-care in your teams’ capacity to help others

✅ Develop a personal action plan for your own self-care

COST $295


💬 Others say: “I want to thank the facilitators for their commitment, energy and dedication. I believe they are an asset for our country.”

🎓 Learning style: presentations, discussion, roleplay

📖 Further reading: Things to know about creating a trauma-informed workplace.

Organisations have more impact when their people thrive

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