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Psychological First Aid

Expert psychosocial support for a group or individual in the days following a traumatic incident


Whether someone has witnessed violence, been the victim of assault, or been caught up in a natural disaster, professional support in the short-term can have many benefits in the long-term.

Psychological First Aid is an evidence-based approach that can help groups or individuals to reduce the initial distress, develop effective coping behaviours, and decrease the likelihood of enduring post-trauma symptoms. Our psychosocial practitioners have provided this grounding presence for people around the world following a range of crises.


✅ Help them feel safe, calm, and in control again

✅ Help them understand that their reactions are normal

✅ Support positive coping strategies

✅ Signpost to further resources


📍 Venue: Online

⏰ Duration: 60 minutes for individuals / 90 minutes for teams

👥 Perfect for: any group or individual who has just experienced a traumatic or critical incident

💬 We say: “We can also provide psychosocial guidance to management as they respond to a crisis – ask us about this.”


📖 Support for staff after a critical incident


For individuals: In this session we will ensure the person is psychologically safe, we’ll provide advice for managing initial symptoms and work duties, and help them identify indicators for recovery. Advice and guidance can also be provided to management and personnel managing the crisis. ⏰ 60 minutes

For groups: A space for a group or a team to discuss current stressors, trauma and common reactions; to discover positive elements and meaningful experiences in the current environment; to reduce the impact of stress through processing; to discuss coping strategies such as self-compassion, reframing, self-awareness and self-care; and to identify those who need extra support. ⏰ 90 minutes

For leadership teams: In addition to their own processing, the session will use a psychosocial lens to guide and be a supportive presence to the personnel who are managing the crisis. The team will be invited to comment on their observations of the overall wellbeing of the teams they are responsible for, and the expected improvements that can be anticipated. Advice and input can be given for any specific concerns regarding management, welfare or extra support that may be indicated. ⏰ 90 minutes

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