Health Screening
A simple form-based review of a person’s health prior to a short-term trip.
Even when a trip seems low-risk, if a person is travelling to a new context, we strongly recommend at least this basic review of their health before they go.
A medical condition that is easy to manage at home, may not be quite so easy when travelling. For example, asthma can be harder to manage in a dusty country. Or Diabetes may be harder to manage in a country with a different diet and environment.
In this Health Screening we’ll flag up health conditions that could cause complications, whether physical (e.g. diabetes, migraines, allergies) or psychological (e.g. anxiety, depression, PTSD); we’ll give helpful guidance to the person travelling where necessary; and we’ll aim to provide peace of mind to the organisation under whose name they are travelling.
1️⃣ The individual fills in an online form about their medical and travel history
2️⃣ A travel health nurse reviews the form
3️⃣ If the nurse has concerns, they will refer it to a medical doctor or clinical psychologist
4️⃣ If not, the nurse will issue a Health Clearance with some health recommendations.
Referring the form to a doctor or psychologist may incur an additional fee.
📍 Location: online
👥 Perfect for … anyone going on a short-term, relatively low-risk trip e.g. a conference, volunteer trip or workshop.
⛔️ Not suitable if … you’re going on a longer trip, to a higher risk location, or if you have a significant or unstable pre-existing medical condition. Instead, explore the services below.
💬 We say … “Screening helps give some peace of mind for a sending organisation and helps highlight potential key health issues that may have an impact on a trip”
“Thrive has been great to work with. They are very communicative and have really listened to our needs. We have received a personal service that so far we are very happy and would definitely recommend Thrive for other organisations like ours.” – Anonymous