Meet the team

Dr. Denzel Mitchell


Dr Mitchell qualified as a medical doctor in South Africa and then trained as a psychiatrist in the UK. His training has afforded an endorsement in substance misuse and worked with eclectic models of psychotherapy during his higher specialist training. Since completing his training in 2011, Dr Mitchell has worked in the private sector in South Africa and as a consultant general adult psychiatrist in the UK’s National Health Service. Dr Mitchell has had experience of working across various leadership and management roles in his career and while he recognises the resource constraints in health care, he also aims to ensure the best treatment for his patients.

He has extensive experience of managing simple and complex mental health problems with a person centred approach using a broad range of skills that will embrace the pillars of holistic care. Dr Mitchell recognises that he is the expert in the assessment and treatment of mental health disorders but the patient is the expert in their own life. It his role to ensure that he has the broadest and most updated skills to ensure that he provides the highest quality of care can be provided for his patients. Amidst that, it is also acknowledged that each patient is an individual with their own idiosyncratic issues that need work with to reach a better place in that patients journey.

Holistic care is often bantered about in mental health but ensuring the drivers for holistic care in each individual in a timely manner is a priority for Dr Mitchell. Recent lifestyle challenges have impacted on mental health for everyone and Dr Mitchell is one of those health practitioners who tries to keep his hand on the pulse of these dynamic factors. Physical health and overall wellness are intricate to optimum mental wellbeing and he attempts to formulate that into clear treatment plans for his patients. He is noted by his peers as one of those doctors with a safe pair of caring hands that is personable and relatable.

Dr Denzel Mitchell is based in the UK