Medical Clearance Extension
For individuals on a multiyear trip away from home, a simple online health review to check they are still fit and well
When sending someone far from home and for a long period of time, monitoring their health and wellbeing is non-negotiable. Even if they appear to be well, a simple screening for medical or psychological concerns can spot problems before they escalate, fulfil insurance requirements, or simply provide peace of mind.
This review aims to identify the emergence of anything that should be explored further: signs of stress, a difficult work situation, a new medical complaint. And it is designed for people who received medical clearance via a Pre-Assignment Medical or Remote Medical Clearance before they left home, and who have now been away from home for a year or more.
1️⃣ The person fills in a short, simple online questionnaire about their health
2️⃣ One of our Doctors will review it, referring back to the original medical clearance as they do
3️⃣ We then either give clearance for a further year, or if there are concerns we contact the individual for further information, or request further tests, or an examination from a local doctor before extending the clearance.
📍 Venue: Online
👥 Perfect for: Anyone who had a medical with us before they travelled, but has now been away for a year or more
⛔️ Not suitable for: People with chronic medical conditions, people over 60, people on medication which requires them to have regular monitoring tests, or people who are currently unwell.
💬 We say: “We can often spot problems in these medicals that have developed or have previously gone unnoticed, and which could have a significant impact upon a person and their employer if actions is not taken.”
“Thank you for making our medical such a positive experience.” — Anonymous
“It was really good to meet you. Thank you for your care and interest in us and for your help and advice with our health. Your advice has given us a clear path to follow. We know that we can come back to you in the future with any questions and that truly is a great help and encouragement”. — Anonymous
“You have a very reassuring manner, great for a doctor! I greatly appreciate the ideas that you planted. All in all, it was a very high-value consultation – thank you!” — Anonymous